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 Saturday saw the Jets Bronco team travel to Cartmel

   After 4 innings the score was tied 6-6 with runs from Craig Robinson (2) , the 1st Jets home run from Jordan Warburton bringing 3 runners home , Craig Robinson , Rachel Sewell and Dean Jones and a single run from Jordan Turner. Ryan Slater Davis provided 3 excellent pitching innings and with solid fielding , a great catch from Jordan Turner and a double play from Craig Robinson the hosts were sent into turmoil with the chance of the upset of the Season.

  However with a change of Pitcher from both sides , Cartmel regrouped themselves and although Jets managed to get on base through the following 2 innings they failed to score any more runs , where as Cartmel’s aggressive stealing and a few wayward pitches from the Jets pitcher allowed Cartmel to score a further 10 runs . The final score Cartmel 16- Runcorn Jets 6 .

Although Cartmel won by 10 runs , Runcorn showed more signs of their true ability and can hold their heads high with every player giving 100% commitment .







The Bronco team



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